How to Maintain Your EMSCULPT® Results

By: Dr. Carolyn DeLucia


EMSCULPT is reshaping how we approach body contouring, especially when maintaining those hard-earned results. The treatment facilitates intense muscle contractions by harnessing advanced electromagnetic technology, which can help get rid of stubborn fat while toning muscles. Dr. Carolyn DeLucia is experienced in this transformative procedure at The Secret Orchid in Hillsborough Township, NJ. She provides invaluable guidance on maintaining a slimmer, more sculpted figure long after EMSCULPT treatment.

How can you maximize your EMSCULPT results?

One of the many advantages of EMSCULPT is that it requires no recovery time. However, there are still ways to optimize the results of your treatment. Dr. DeLucia suggests:

  • Hydration: Hydrating well helps support overall metabolic processes, including getting rid of fat cells.
  • Activity: To maintain muscle tone and promote circulation, engage in physical activity.
  • Follow post-treatment instructions: Follow any specific guidelines or tips provided by Dr. DeLucia to prolong the effects of the treatment.

Are there side effects with EMSCULPT?

Even though EMSCULPT is a nonsurgical approach to body contouring with minimal side effects, some individuals report a sensation akin to post-workout soreness. This is to be expected, given the treatment's powerful muscle-activating capabilities. EMSCULPT can also go by quickly, with about 30 minutes of treatment time per session. Imagine undergoing an intensive workout but with the added benefit of lying still in a relaxed environment. Dr. DeLucia and her dedicated team go the extra mile to ensure your utmost comfort throughout the process.

How often can you do EMSCULPT to maintain a slimmer figure?

Once you've achieved your desired results, you might wonder how often you can undergo EMSCULPT treatments to maintain your slimmer figure. The answer varies depending on individual goals and specific areas of concern. Maintenance sessions can be done, and Dr. DeLucia will help you create a tailored plan that best suits your needs.

How can you make your EMSCULPT results last?

Making your EMSCULPT results last involves more than just the treatment itself. A healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and a balanced diet can go a long way. Some other tips to keep in mind:

  • Be consistent with your workouts, focusing on both cardio and strength training
  • Monitor your caloric intake and opt for nutrient-rich foods
  • Consider periodic EMSCULPT treatments as part of your maintenance routine

Ready for the next step in your body contouring journey?

Achieving a slimmer figure without surgery or significant downtime is now possible, thanks to EMSCULPT and the expertise of Dr. Carolyn DeLucia. With more knowledge about maintaining your EMSCULPT results, you can make the most of this revolutionary treatment. Call us today at The Secret Orchid in Hillsborough Township, NJ, to discuss your options and tailor a treatment plan that's right for you.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.