Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Hillsborough Township, NJ

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Your body relies on hormones to control growth, as well as support digestion, brain functions, sleep patterns, and sexual activity. When changes in your body occur, some symptoms can interrupt your comfortable way of living and dramatically impact your life. To address these issues, our team at The Secret Orchid offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to men and women who need to achieve a balance that allows the body to function properly. Anyone who suffers from symptoms of hormone imbalance can find relief from trusted bioidentical hormones, plant-based supplements, and other products we may prescribe. Our concern for our patients’ well-being extends to improving their quality of life by utilizing proven, natural methods. If you've noticed certain symptoms (such as fatigue, headaches, depression, or lowered libido) having a negative effect on your life, reach out to our Hillsborough Township, NJ office and schedule your consultation with Dr. Carolyn DeLucia.

Hormone replacement therapy offers many benefits for our Hillsborough Township, NJ men and women. The list of benefits from BHRT includes:

  • Restore balance to your hormones, and therefore, your mental, physical, and emotional health
  • Decrease symptoms of hormonal shifts due to aging, like menopause
  • Mimics natural hormones to avoid harsh transitions
  • Help return you to a happy and healthy life

BHRT is typically used to assist patients who are suffering from low or imbalanced levels of hormones. Generally, these concerns are widespread among people who are over the age of 40 and are sensing shifts in their mood, sexual desire, weight, and mental clarity. These problems might also occur in females under age 50 who have had a complete hysterectomy. Imbalanced hormones can result in several health issues, like erectile dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction, elevated cholesterol levels, nighttime sweats, trouble sleeping, and memory issues.

Ideal candidates for BHRT are patients who are experiencing fatigue, decreased libido, heavy or irregular menstruation, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, or breast tenderness. At your one-on-one consultation, Dr. DeLucia will ask about your symptoms and run some blood work to determine your hormone levels and what kind of care you may benefit from. From there, a personalized treatment plan will be created to restore your comfort and wellness, as well as target the issues that have negatively impacted your life. There are many ways to administer bioidentical hormones, including uniquely customized pellets, creams, and patches. Some individuals may even receive a combined treatment if our team determines that this is the appropriate solution. We will consider your preferences and the options that best suit your lifestyle needs.

Amazing: I did the O-shot with Dr. Delucia along with the Femilift - I did the O-shot with Dr. Delucia along with the Femilift. At first I was so nervous thinking it would be this dreadful experience. It was the total opposite. Dr. Delucia is wonderful, bubbly and super nice. She explained everything that would happen before she did it. Set me at ease. It was a great experience, no pain whatsoever. Just a slight discomfort at times aside from that it was great. I went home and a week later, started using my new and improved self! I am menopausal so this helped me a lot. You become more sensitive and definitely more lubricated. You have more arousal and climax faster. I look forward to getting this done every year. It's helped greatly. I feel more confident with myself. Thankfully I picked the best Doctor!

A. RealSelf

Dr. DeLucia is one of the kindest GYN's I have ever met! I've been to other GYN's before and I've never felt so comfortable with someone like I do with her. She makes me feel good about myself and she's so understanding. I would highly recommend her to everybody! She's just that great!

M. Healthgrades

Very warm and friendly physican. Highly recommend.

A.C. Google

Dr. Delucia is the FIRST gynecologist that I felt ever actually LISTENED to me. I went through several before finding her. Needless to say, I have now been coming to her for somewhere between 15 & 20 years!!! She never makes you feel rushed and her staff is friendly and helpful!!

Anonymous Healthgrades

Five Stars - love her hard to get apts so booked

Anonymous Vitals


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Having your hormones in balance improves so many areas of your health. No matter the age, women can experience hormone imbalance and not realize it. To find out if you could benefit from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, contact our office in Hillsborough Township, NJ and schedule a private consultation.

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About Us
What causes a hormone imbalance?
Hormone levels typically change due to age or a variety of health conditions. Other factors such as genetics, stress, environmental exposure, poor nutrition, and lack of exercise also contribute to these issues. BHRT at The Secret Orchid may restore the natural balance of hormones in your body and alleviate symptoms.
Is hormone replacement therapy safe?
BHRT should only be administered by a trained and experienced professional such as Dr. DeLucia. Because treatment is tailored to your needs and monitored closely by our team, we can help ensure safe results. Bioidentical hormones are made from plant extracts, which are considered better alternatives to synthetic hormones, as they are more likely to be tolerated by the body.
Why work with our team for BHRT?
Our Hillsborough Township, NJ, or New York, NY offices take a comprehensive approach to your health and overall well-being. We are dedicated to helping you find a solution that addresses your symptoms and restores balance in your body. Best of all, we use only the latest technology and the highest standards of care to ensure successful outcomes. Call now for more information on hormone replacement therapy.
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.